Relax, Meditate, Breathe 30mins (Online)
With Lisa
Service Description
All levels 30 minutes guided meditation to relax, unwind, take a moment to breathe and restore balance in the body. Grab a bolster (or some pillows), blankets and a block if you have one. Join us for the relaxing slow hatha and yoga stretch before for 60 minutes yoga (for a whole 90mins!), or JUST this session 30mins of being still and finding calm. This 30 minutes session is a guided meditation, breath work and some weeks the 30mins might be a guided sleep meditaiton - Yoga Nidra! So join us for the class before and then this 30mins and restore balance every week with these two sessions to reset weekly. If you are joining just for the guided meditation, please make sure you are 'muted' when you join us as we will just be fifihing the 'Stretch & Relax' yoga sessions and finishing quietly... x
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel up to 2 hours before your class starts and reschedule within your plan or package policy rules. * Single class bookings can be rescheduled to another day * Weekly or Monthly or Packs or Packages can be rescheduled, but ONLY within the period of time the package is valid for. For example if your package is 1 month/4 sessions and there are only 4 sessions available within this month, it will not be able to be carried over outside of this month/period (as per policy when booking). So not forget to re book before your plan expiry date. For Private 1 to 1 sessions different cancelation & rescheduling policies apply, please get in touch. If you wish to cancel your Yoga Warrior subscription you can do this from your account yourself or you can contact us in writing via email and we will deactivate the card payment.
Contact Details
+44 7789183680
The Old Fire Station, Fore Street Hill North Devon, UK